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Men's Bible Study

The Book of 1st Timothy

Starts Wednesday, January 2nd
6:30pm in Admin Building, 300


What does a healthy church look like? What does it mean to be a member of God’s family? And who should lead the church? These questions are essential for us to answer if we want the church to thrive. Thankfully, we don't have to guess the answers. The apostle Paul wrote to his young protégé, Timothy, just as Timothy was stepping in to lead the church at Ephesus. His letter shows us how the church should function and gives a special glimpse into the maturity, trust, and love that mentorship can produce in our lives. Join Dr. James Meeks and his protégé Dr. Charlie Dates in this 7-session series as they explore the major themes in Paul’s first letter to Timothy. Led by Brian Alford


Men's Breakfast
Saturday, April 12th

Join the men of Frisco First for fellowship and a hot breakfast on Saturday, April 12th. More information to come; e-mail David. Fuquay with questions.


Men's Tuesday Bible Study

(with Bible Study Fellowship)

Every Tuesday 
8–9:30pm at The Five One

This men’s study is ongoing, without breaking for summer. Bible study topics will vary, but the fellowship is always great. No registration required.


Special Events


Throughout the year Frisco First men can look forward to special events like Top Golf, BBQs, axe throwing, even a Daddy/Daughter Tea Party! Watch the events page and your weekly bulletin for upcoming announcements.  


Service Opportunities


Frisco First offers many opportunities of service unique to men. You can lead a middle or high school boys small group Bible study, help with Wednesday Night Kids on Mission, or volunteer as an UPWARD coach! Additionally, Frisco First regularly designates men to serve as Deacons. If you're interested in learning more about these and many other opportunities, reach out to us at 

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