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An Update from Generations Church...

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 2:28 PM
From Pastor Sol Rexius


Hey Everybody!


Life and ministry in Eugene is going well and we wanted to give you all an update on the exciting things happening with Generations Church!

Launch Team

Over the summer, we have been meeting and spending time with local people who are interested in the vision and plans for Generations Church. At the end of August, we asked this group of people to join our “Launch Team” which is the group of people that will help us launch Generations Church. In September, the Launch Team (about 60 of us) began gathering on Sunday mornings for worship, prayer, teaching, and volunteer training. We are so thankful for the people God has brought to us to partner in this work of reaching Eugene!

Preview Service

This past Sunday with the help of our Launch Team!) we had our first public church service at the Graduate Hotel in Eugene, which will be our long term gathering sport, Lord willing. It was a great morning and there were over 200 people there. We will have one of these preview services every month this fall and then officially launch our weekly services on January 21st, 2024. I included some photos below, and if you’re interested, you can listen to the sermon here.

Salt Company

Sunday mornings aren’t the only thing we are launching here in Eugene. 2 weeks ago, we had our first college gathering on the University of Oregon campus, and we had over 150 in attendance. The Salt Company team is doing an amazing job and we are all so thankful to be used by God to reach the next generation. They are hosting the first ever "Beach Retreat" in 2 weeks on the Oregon Coast, so pray for good weather and great memories!

On a personal level, I am learning that church planting is hard work, and there is a ton of spiritual need here in Eugene. A quote I’ve been reminding myself of a lot recently is this: “Eugene is bigger than me, but God is bigger than Eugene.” Please keep us in your prayers and ask God to do big things in Eugene!


Thank you for your ongoing support of Generations Church! Go Ducks!



Hear from e3!

An update from e3 Partners...

Meet Kyle Pierson with E3 Partners, which is an evangelism ministry who’s goal is to equip believers to take ownership of the Great Commission, evangelize the lost and establish local churches across the globe.


Learn more about e3 here!

e3 Missons

Legacy Hills Church

An update from Legacy Hills Church...


Hear from Robert Welch, lead pastor of Legacy Hills Church in Celina, TX. Robert has a passion for Lord and for seeing families build a legacy on Jesus. Fast growing Celina needs more churches to reach the mass of migration that is coming to North Texas. Robert is and his wife Kyla have three children.


Learn more about Legacy Hills

Legacy Hills Church

An Update from Hope 2 Hollywood...

Meet Warren Samuels, with Hope 2 Hollywood Ministries in Los Angeles. H2H a monthly bible study that reaches actors and actresses in the LA metro area. Warren has a long history of ministry in North Texas and continues to use his gifts of leadership, discipleship and evangelism to reach to reach an influential demographic in Southern California.


Learn more about H2H

Hope 2 Hollywood


Africa Family Rescue

An Update from Africa Family Rescue

Watch as a church in Uganda reacts to the news that our Christmas Offering would be given to meet their needs for land!


Learn more about Africa Family Rescue

Africa Family Rescue

Commons Church

Thank You from Commons Church!

A special thank you from Auston Wadlod, Lead Pastor of The Commons Church in East Lansing, Michigan. Frisco First has supported this church plant since it’s founding in 2019.


Learn more about Commons Church

Commons Church

Compassion International

An Update from John Carswell, Senior Manager of Church Engagement, Compassion International

John Carswell gives us an update on our participation in Compassion International projects: church plants in Ecuador and Mexico, as well as the faithful sponsorship of 186 children primarily in the Ecuador area. 

Learn more about Compassion International

Compassion Intl

We support Missions through giving.

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